With lunch in tow, the trio takes off on Kintoun towards Muten Rōshi Island. The group lands and Lunch is charmed by the island’s cozy appearance. Gokū calls Kame Sennin and tells him that they managed to find a girl who matched his specifications. When no answer comes, Gokū is confused as to why; Kuririn suggests that the Kame Sennin might be in the restroom. When Gokū doesn’t understand what a toilet is, Kuririn elaborates a bit further, explaining that he’s in a toilet. Gokū finally understands and rushes to the restroom, rudely yelling at the Kame Sennin. Lunch asks Kuririn why they brought her to the island and if they need her to do anything. Kuririn replies that they don’t need her for anything at all, rather that they need a female presence on the male island of Kame House. Lunch is excited because she is being chased and wouldn’t mind hiding. Kuririn doesn’t understand at first, but then remembers that she was being chased by people who looked like police officers. He asks who it was and is surprised to hear Lunch say they were real cops.
Gokū runs out of the very hot turtle hermit’s bathroom and tells him they found the girl he wanted. The hermit exasperatedly questions if the girl is really the one he wants. Looking out the window, Kame Sennin appears to be talking to Kuririn and Lunch. Lunch thinks she has robbed a bank or a train when she sees a bag of money. Kuririn insists that he is not joking; he can’t see a girl like her robbing a train or a bank and instead thinks she’s a rich girl being chased. The young woman warns Kuririn that they should be careful; one sneeze is all it takes to change her personality. Kame Sennin looked out the window and excitedly shouted his approval.
He agrees to take Gokū and Kuririn as his students and welcome lunch to the island. Lunch happily thanks the Hermit and says she was saved thanks to his grandsons. While happy, the Kame Sennin tells Lunch that Gokū and Kuririn are not his grandsons; they are his little brothers. After recovering from his little joke, Kame Sennin tells Lunch that he is training boys in budō. He also manages to convince Lunch to stay with him on his island and asks if she would also like to learn budō. Lunch, though tempted, says she doesn’t know if she could handle the training. Kuririn fully supports Kame Sennin’s idea and tells Lunch that she shouldn’t miss this unique chance to learn from someone as great as Kame Sennin. The Kame Sennin hands Lunch a uniform and she begins to change outside before Kuririn inadvertently convinces her to change inside.
Lunch walks out of the room dressed not in his uniform but in his underwear. When she points this out, Kame Sennin tells her that these are the official Turtle School uniforms. However, before they can begin their training, a fly flies past them and tickles Lunch’s nose, causing him to sneeze. She transforms into her violent self, noticing that her surroundings are not prisons. She pulled out a machine gun out of nowhere and attacked Gokū, Kuririn, and the Kame Sennin, firing a volley of bullets in exasperation before sneezing again and changing back into her gentle half. The girl notices the gun in her hand and innocently apologizes to the trio about whether she did anything wrong, which the terrified turtle hermit denies.