Eager to pursue each other, Murasaki hastily retreats from Son Gokū. Hidden behind a smokescreen, the ninja quickly crosses the piranha-infested lake, taunting Goku with only the young monkey boy to effortlessly jump across the lake. Murasaki, truly desperate, whistles into the air and tells Goku that he will reveal his ultimate technique. He makes a hand sign, announcing a Bunshin no Jutsu, and several copies of him appear from behind.
With several attacks coming from all angles, Gokū is forced to conclude that each Murasaki is real. They confirm that it is actually five. The siblings move on Goku, only to discover that Gokū can use the actual Bunshin no Jutsu, deftly controlling the entire group. The last remaining Murasaki flees to Android #8 and demands that he kill Gokū.