Gokū eventually arrives in the western capital and gets a first-hand experience of city life. He later meets a boxer who offers 100,000 zeni to whoever defeats him in sparring, and Gokū dominates him in the match, much to the surprise of the onlookers and the boxer himself. After Gokū demonstrates his strength by leveling a wall, the boxer retreats, leaving Gokū with money he doesn’t know what to do with.
Next, two men attempt to rob Gokū, but the young boy runs into one of them. the robbers head first into a wall and intimidate the other robber into informing Gokū to seek the help of the police in searching Bulma’s house. After Gokū gives his money to a woman who directs him to the police, Gokū eventually gets a police escort to Bulma’s house and shouts Bulma’s name.