When Kame-Sennin happily accepts the diamond Bulma gives him, he inadvertently reveals his intention to sell the gem for enough money to use it for his own perverted desires, earning the Umigame’s distrust. While the Hermit Turtle and Umigame argue, Lunch, still in his aggressive form, points his gun at everyone else and demands the diamond. As he flies off in the Red Ribbon Army helicopter, Kulilin explains to Bulma about Lunch’s strange tendency to change personalities when he sneezes.
General Blue then arrives on the island and manages to handcuff him and use the paralyzing Look to hold the Dragon Team back during their conversation and obtained the dragon balls from Kame’s house. Before leaving, he detonates a bomb on the island. As the dragon team tries to break free from the blue hard ropes, Lunch returns with his good personality and unties Gokū, who throws the bomb into the air before it explodes, chasing after Blue with his Kintoun and Nyoibō.