Tenshinhan declares that he will finish Gokū with one of his strongest techniques. Tenshinhan shoots Gokū into the air and reveals a volleyball fist, attacking Gokū as if it were a volleyball. The combination impales Gokū directly onto the tiles, and both Tenshinhan and the Tsuru Sennin are convinced that Gokū is dead. However, Gokū gets up as easily as if nothing happened, just surprised by Tenshinhan’s strength. Deciding that Tenshinhan is trying to kill him, Gokū tells the Crane School student that he will switch from a power he uses for matches to a power he uses for fighting.
Proving that he wasn’t bluffing, Gokū begins to dominate the match and kicks Tenshinhan into the air after a powerful combo. The young warrior starts to lunge at Kamehameha, but decides against it. Returning to the tournament ring, Tenshinhan can barely contain his excitement at the prospect of a fighter as powerful as Goku. Kuririn chastises Gokū Muten Rōshi for not releasing Kamehameha. Muten Rōshi says that Tenshinhan would simply face it; In order for Gokū to fight longer in a match, he thinks ahead.