Tenshinhan again warns Goku that he must avoid the incoming attack, which Muten Rōshi gravely confirms. Tenshinhan begins charging his ki and forms a ball in his hands; Kuririn himself notes that he can see the light. Tenshinhan carefully controls his power because he doesn’t want to use all his energy and be exhausted if Gokū attacks. Tenshinhan targets the ring directly and unleashes a devastating Kikōhō.
The attack is unleashed with such force that everyone is hit; when the attack wears off, the ring is completely destroyed, leaving behind a crater so deep that the bottom cannot be seen. Gokū appeared to be removed with the ring, but it was revealed that he had leapt into the air to safety at the last second. Freefalling the moment Gokū touches the ground, the bell will ring and Tenshinhan’s victory will be guaranteed. Gokū begins preparing the Kamehameha, despite the fact that Tenshinhan can counter the technique. Gokū turns around, fires a blast, and uses the forward momentum to rocket towards the Tenshinhan.