Gokū, surprising Piccolo Daimaō with his speed, punches the Great Demon King in the face. Gokū attacks Piccolo mercilessly and seems to have the advantage; even as Piccolo tries to fight back, Gokū is able to hold him back. Constantly terrified by Goku’s power, the Pilaf Gang attempt to flee, but Piano orders them to stay, believing that Piccolo will not lose. Surprised by Goku’s strength, Piccolo stands up and takes off his cloak.
The unencumbered Piccolo Daimaō begins to overwhelm Goku with his superhuman speed. After being soundly beaten, Goku realizes that all of Piccolo’s abilities are beyond the range of Goku’s own. Piccolo also praises Goku’s strength, saying that he is powerful for a human and that the thought of killing someone as strong as Goku only excites him. In an act of defiance, Gokū begins to accuse Kamehameha. Piccolo briefly panics, believing that Goku is about to execute Mafūba. Releasing an energy wave, he collides with Piccolo; however, the explosion does no damage. Gokū, completely shocked by the failure of his technique, is stunned as Piccolo prepares his move.