Tenshinhan is impressed that Gokū can humiliate Piccolo, and the boy tells Piccolo that it is his turn to attack. This statement angers Piccolo, but Goku is even more enraged that Piccolo has killed so many of his friends. With incredible speed, Gokū delivered the first blow, surpassing even Tenshinhan’s vision and surprising Piccolo. After a furious exchange of blows, Gokū reveals that he is superior, and even Piccolo remarks that Gokū is the first to truly anger him. Gokū urges Piccolo to use his full power, and Piccolo decides to comply, even if it would shorten his lifespan.
Once Piccolo reaches full power, Gokū agrees to use his own full power. Thinking that Gokū is just showing off, Piccolo creates a kiai with a wave of his hand that knocks Gokū back.