Dragon Ball Super Manga Chapter 90

Dragon Ball Super Manga Chapter 90 Colored    

Dragon Ball Super, Chapter 90

Dragon Ball Super, Chapter 90



Dragon Ball Super, Chapter 90

Dragon Ball Super, Chapter 90

Dragon Ball Super, Chapter 90

Dragon Ball Super, Chapter 90

Dragon Ball Super, Chapter 90

Dragon Ball Super, Chapter 90

Dragon Ball Super, Chapter 90

Dragon Ball Super, Chapter 90



Dragon Ball Super, Chapter 90

Dragon Ball Super, Chapter 90

Dragon Ball Super, Chapter 90



Dragon Ball Super, Chapter 90

Dragon Ball Super, Chapter 90

Dragon Ball Super, Chapter 90



Dragon Ball Super, Chapter 90

Dragon Ball Super, Chapter 90

Dragon Ball Super, Chapter 90



Dragon Ball Super, Chapter 90

Dragon Ball Super, Chapter 90

Dragon Ball Super, Chapter 90

Dragon Ball Super, Chapter 90

Dragon Ball Super, Chapter 90

Dragon Ball Super, Chapter 90

Dragon Ball Super, Chapter 90

Dragon Ball Super, Chapter 90

Dragon Ball Super, Chapter 90

Dragon Ball Super, Chapter 90

Dragon Ball Super, Chapter 90

Dragon Ball Super, Chapter 90

Dragon Ball Super, Chapter 90

Dragon Ball Super, Chapter 90

Dragon Ball Super, Chapter 90

Dragon Ball Super, Chapter 90

Dragon Ball Super, Chapter 90

Dragon Ball Super, Chapter 90

Dragon Ball Super, Chapter 90

Dragon Ball Super, Chapter 90

Dragon Ball Super, Chapter 90

Dragon Ball Super, Chapter 90

Dragon Ball Super, Chapter 90

Dragon Ball Super, Chapter 90

Dragon Ball Super, Chapter 90

Dragon Ball Super, Chapter 90

Dragon Ball Super, Chapter 90

Dragon Ball Super, Chapter 90

Character Synopsis

In the cricket district, Krillin continues to investigate the mysterious zombies that were earlier spotted on Butterfly Mountain and eventually finds them in a store where he promptly arrests them.Meanwhile, Goten heads into town on the Nimbus, boarding a bus a few stops from school to cover his tracks as the superhero Saiyaman X-2. After Fyler asks him if he can prepare her and Trunks for the upcoming school dance, the bus screeches to a halt due to the sudden appearance of Beta 7. Beta 7 calls out to Goten, knowing his alter ego is Saiyaman X-2, who steps out the back part of the bus before returning in costume, unaware of the coincidence that all of his classmates seem to have noticed. Goten then effortlessly takes down Beta 7.At school, Mai invites Trunks to the dance, much to his surprise, after learning from one of his friends that he has booked the superhero Cleangod for the dance. Using a small insect spy robot, Dr. Hedo gets the news and perks up and quickly decides to create an android student as a date so he can attend the dance himself and meet his hero.Alert Mai soon notices the spy and pulls Goten aside, informing him of what she knows about Dr. Hedo and the androids sent after him, as well as the plan to lure him out with Cleangod so she can capture him. myself. When Goten asks if that was why she invited Trunks to the dance, she says yes, which makes Goten feel bad for Trunks, who believed the invitation was real.As the dance begins, Mai arrives in armor while Trunks wears a fancy suit. He hands a bag to one of the servants, which he will keep with the data disk of Dr. Hedo, and makes his way to the stage while waiting for Cleangod to arrive. Standing next to Trunks is Dr. Hedo, another eager fan, and they briefly share their love for the superhero, just as Mai pulls a gun on the doctor, but is stopped by Beta 1, who takes it from her.Krillin and the police then arrive, who are alerted by Mai and order everyone to freeze, but Dr. Hedo is able to escape using a smoke machine hidden under his sleeve and speed away in the vehicle while Beta 1 is able to retrieve the data disk. theft of guests’ bags.Krillin, Goten, and Trunks fly to the scientist through the air with the teenagers now donning the superhero costume. After Krillin explains to them that Dr. Hedo is the grandson of Dr. Ger, and learning that the infamous Red Ribbon Army is after him, the trio catch up with him in another of his secret labs. There Dr. Hedo releases Dinodroid 1, a dinosaur-turned-android that far surpasses the Alpha and Beta line of androids.Working together, Krillin is able to stun the android with a Destructo Disc to the back of the head long enough for Goten and Trunks to finish him off after he turns Super Saiyan and uses the Cyclone style! Tornado Double Hurricane Technique. Krillin then arrests Dr. Heda, but he is unable to find the datadisk because he has since discarded it, he no longer needs it because he memorized its data long ago anyway. The doctor is then sent to prison for three months for his crimes of stealing bodies from the morgue and putting them to work. Still, he remains optimistic, having created a top-notch spy robot in Hachimaru and vowing to create the perfect android.

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