Dragon Ball Manga Vol.22 Chapter 261 :: Kaiō-sama’s Freaked Out

Dragon Ball Manga Chapter 261 Colored





Goku thinks it’s amazing that everyone made it to Kaiō’s place. Yamcha then asks if he can talk to Goku and Kaiō tells him to put his hand on his shoulder and then speak. Yamcha tells Goku that when they came to the afterlife with God, he told them that Goku and the others were going to Piccolo’s home planet to bring them all back to life. Goku thinks that the four must be Yamcha, Tenshinhan… and then wonders that the third one is Piccolo. Piccolo says it’s him and notes that he only came here because his pride was damaged by Goku being stronger than him. Goku thinks the fourth must be God, but Yamcha tells him it’s Chiaotzu. His body was destroyed, but God restored it and told them to come here to train. Goku is happy to hear this and Yamcha goes on about gravity giving them trouble.
Goku understands this and says that on the way to Planet Namek, he’s going through some really awesome gravity training. In five and a half days, he’s really going to have to use this training. Kaiō then remembers that he was talking about his bad news and tells Goku to explain. “Because I was really hurt, Kuririn, Bulma and Gohan went to planet Namek to look for the Dragon Balls… But that Saiyan named Vegeta also went there to look for the Dragon Balls…” Kaiō went crazy and realized he wanted to take down Vegeta. “No, it seems Kuririn and everyone didn’t just notice Vegeta. Before… It was my fault… When I stopped Kuririn from killing Vegeta… Plus, they can’t even return to Earth because their spaceship is broken… But it’s not just that. Something even more incredible… There are also some weird guys after Dragon Balls. They strangely looked like Vegeta. But there is someone with ki that far surpasses Vegeta…”
Yamcha and Kaiō freak out and the others there (who Goku can’t hear) wonder what’s going on. Kaiō asks Goku if the person’s name is Freeza, but Goku doesn’t know. So Kaiō decides to check on himself and Yamcha returns with the others. Kaiō checks on the planet Namek and sees Freeza flying through the air in his five dragon ball pod and freaks out that it was really him. Kaiō tells Goku that Freeza is the worst there is and that he should stay away from him. He also orders Goku to take his three friends and leave immediately once they reach Planet Namek. Not attacking enough will just make Freeza angry and unbelievable things will happen. Goku wants to see how amazing the guy is, and Kaiō yells that he absolutely has to stay away. Piccolo then comes and puts his hand on Kaiō’s shoulder and tells Goku to collect the Dragon Balls and bring them back to life. They will learn great techniques here and then go to Planet Namek and fight that bastard too.
Kaiō says it’s stupid and they have no idea how strong Freeza is. Piccolo says that there is no time and asks for the training to begin now. Kaiō says he won’t train them unless they promise not to go to Namek. Piccolo says fine, but thinks he won’t keep such a promise. Tenshinhan thinks he won’t beat Goku if he gets the same training as him. But if he just picks up the training points quickly and refines them, he could be like before. Kaiō then tells them that they will have to make him laugh with a pun; if they pass the test, he will train them. Everyone freaks out and the narration says that the test is especially hard for Tenshinhan and Piccolo. Up in his ship, Goku has little intention of heeding Kai’s warning and decides to try the 50G.
“And on the planet Namek…” Dende flies through the air on his way to Eldest’s house and Kuririn asks how long it will take them to get there. Dende says five hours, and Kuririn doesn’t like the idea of ​​using up that much energy for that long. Meanwhile, Vegeta is still looking for a place with a lot of stored power, but can’t find any and wonders if there are any more villages. Then suddenly he feels two forces and stops. One of the powers doesn’t feel like a Namekian or one of Freeza’s group. He wants to find out who it is and delays. Kuririn then yells at Dende to stop as he senses Vegeta approaching them at incredible speed. Kuririn then grabs Dende’s hand and takes the two of them down to the island to hide. But then Kuririn notices that his direction has changed, towards the next ki. Vegeta says that it must be Zarbon as Zarbon flies around looking for the village. Vegeta suddenly appears in front of Zarbon and says that it’s been a while. “I took care of Dodoria… Now it’s your turn…”

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