Dragon Ball Manga Vol.23 Chapter 281 : Showdown!! Jheese and Butta

Dragon Ball Manga Chapter 281 Colored





Goku looks at Jheese and Butta and asks them if they will go back to their own planet or end up like him. They’re not worried, though, and Jheese says they’ll have to work it out now. Vegeta knows that Kakarrot will win. He flies towards Goku and Jheese stops in front of Goku and Butt behind him. Jheese starts talking about what happens when you mess with the Ginyu Special-Squad, but Goku just punches him in the face and breaks his nose. Goku asks if they were too careless there. Jheese gets mad and kicks Goku and Butt elbows him but Goku holds them both back with his hand. He knees Jheese away and sweeps Butt’s kicks, then unleashes a kiai and sends them both flying even further.
Kuririn can’t believe it was just a kiai that blasted them, and Gohan says they’re not as strong as he thought. Kuririn says that’s not the case because even Vegeta was no match for them and Recoom was the same. It’s Goku. Jheese wonders what’s going on since his battle strength is unmistakably only 5000. But Vegeta knows that his battle strength will increase briefly at the moment of the attack, and discovers that Kakarrot is doing this to avoid wasting energy. Butta tells Jheese via scout to use his Crusher Ball. Butta explains that since he is the fastest in the universe, he will attack Goku if he tries to escape. Jheese agrees and creates a large ball of ki and slams it like a volleyball towards Goku. Goku doesn’t move until the last second when he knocks him down and it almost hits Butta. Jheese can’t believe he averted it when Goku suddenly appears in the air behind Butta.

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