Dragon Ball Manga Vol.28 Chapter 334 : :The Boy From the Future

Dragon Ball Manga Chapter 334 Colored





Goku says he doesn’t know him at all, but Bulma says he knew the time and place he came to. Goku thinks this is strange and says that Freeza found his ship and seemed to know when it would reach Earth. Speaking of which, Goku asks who defeated Freeza. Was it Piccolo or perhaps Vegeta? Piccolo says it was the kid, he can also become a Super Saiyan. Goku is surprised and then says it’s amazing, he’s so young and didn’t know there were any other Saiyans. Vegeta says they aren’t. Goku says it doesn’t matter, he’s a Super Saiyan and Bulma thinks Goku is just as nonchalant as ever. Then the kid tells Son that he wants to talk to him and they walk away from everyone else.
At first, Goku thanks him for defeating Freeza and thinks that he was naive on Planet Namek. The boy says that he was supposed to defeat Freeza, but there was a time discrepancy, so he intervened. Goku says that Frieza’s spaceship was way ahead of him and he would have defeated Frieza if the kid hadn’t appeared. The kid says he couldn’t, he was gone for three hours, but Goku says he has a new technique: teleportation. He learned it from people on a planet called Yardrat. The kid realizes that he changed history for nothing and finally meets everyone. Goku asks what he means and then the kid asks if he is free to become a Super Saiyan. Goku says he couldn’t at first, but now he can control it. The kid asks him to do it now, so Goku obliges and transforms.
The others wonder what happened and Gohan says he became a Super Saiyan. Now the kid turns into a Super Saiyan as well and Goku says that they really are the same. The kid apologizes, pulls out his sword and heads towards Goku. But he stops just before his sword hits Goku and Goku doesn’t flinch at all. The kid asks why, and Goku says he knew he didn’t mean to kill and stops. The kid says he won’t stop this time and then attacks Goku again. Goku uses his finger to counter the sword for a moment until the kid stops, puts his sword down and transforms. He says that Goku was great, better than the rumors. This sword killed Frieza, but Goku knows that the kid didn’t fight seriously. Now the kid tells him everything and asks to keep it to himself and Goku says yes. The kid says he came here about twenty years ago using a time machine. His name is Trunks. And the reason he has Saiyan blood… is because he’s Vegeta’s son. “Eh?! Vegeta?!”

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