Dragon Ball Manga Vol.21 Chapter 252 : The Frightened Namekians

Dragon Ball Manga Chapter 252 Colored





The five Namekians are three elderly men and two children, and Kuririn wonders what they want with the Namekians. Gohan asks if they are Saiyans and Kuririn tells him that they wear the same clothes. Vegeta is the only Saiyan left, save him and Goku. Kuririn reminds him of what Goku’s older brother said about them wiping planets of their inhabitants to sell them, and thinks these guys must be involved. But Vegeta doesn’t seem to be here, so Kuririn wonders if he’s looking for the Dragon Ball somewhere else.
The older Namekians notice that Zarbon and Dodoria are holding two Dragon Balls each, and Freeza introduces himself and says he’s after their Dragon Ball. Freeza asks what happened to the others since there were supposed to be ten of them, but they don’t answer him. “Aren’t you planning to say anything? I’ll kill you.” The eldest begins to speak, but in Namekian. Freeza says that they don’t understand Namekian and tells them that he knows they can speak their language. The leader then tells him that the others went to work in the fields while they, only the elders and the children, were left behind.Freeza thanks him for his answer and says that he should continue to answer his questions.
Freeza then asks where the Dragon Ball is, but the leader says there isn’t one. Freeza tells Dodoria that he can have fun killing the other Namekian, and Dodoria says that was the fate of the last person who tried to be a hero. Freeza tells them that they will be killed if they don’t cooperate and explains what he heard about the planet: “The seven dragon balls that were created by the oldest of this planet are held by the seven elders who live here. Each of them will test your wisdom, strength and ask the motive behind your wish. If every elder approves of all these qualities, you can get the Dragon Ball.” Freeza says he will kill them anyway if they don’t. He had a lot of problems with the first Dragon Ball, but the next three were very easy because people worked together.
Elsewhere, Vegeta is listening intently to this entire conversation on his explorer. The Namekians refuse to believe that the other elders would hand over the Dragon Balls to them so easily, so Freeza asks Zarbon to show them what will happen if they disobey. Zarbon suddenly appears behind one of the men and kicks him hard in the face, breaking his neck and killing him. Another man gets angry and tries to attack Zarbon, so he throws one of his dragon balls into the air. The man fired at Zarbon, but Zarbon flew into the air and the blast hit a bystander instead. Zarbon then blasts the man with his free hand, frying him to death. He lands and casually grabs his Dragon Ball. Only the leader and the two children who cling to him remain. Freeza asks if he will be more obedient now.
Freeza thinks that nothing else should stand in his way to eternal life now. Kuririn hears this and says that it was Vegeta’s wish as well. Gohan thinks they may not be allies after all. The leader tells Freeza that he would rather die than give the Dragon Ball to people like them. Freeza says that it seems he has chosen death and that he will have to kill all the stubborn people on this planet, including the children. The leader freaks out that he would even kill the children and Gohan and Kuririn get really angry. Dodoria then gains powerful battle powers on his explorer. They look behind them and three young Namekians are flying towards the village.

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