Character Synopsis
The first match starts shortly and the announcer informs them that there will be a 500,000 Zenny prize for the winner of the tournament. He also says that before the first match begins, there will be a greeting from the High Priest of the Temple of Martial Arts. The dog guy comes out, takes the mic, says “Ugh” and walks away. Everyone falls. It’s the start of the first match and both contestants enter. Holding a rag to his nose, the announcer says that at thirteen, Kuririn is the youngest person to ever compete here, and that Bacterian has never taken a bath since the day he was born. He proceeds to go over the rules again and calls for the match to begin.
They stare at each other and Bacterian makes the first move by swiping at Kuririn, but Kuririn jumps out of the way. Bacterian quickly changes strategy and unleashes some of his foul smelling breath on Kuririn. While Kuririn is still stumbling, Bacterian puts his hand up his shorts and shoves his nasty crotch-scented finger into Kuririn’s face. Kuririn falls to the ground, seriously exhausted. By this time, the announcer has a gas mask on, as well as a countdown timer. We then see Toriyama-bot watching from the audience.