As Gokū advances to the next floor, he encounters an outside room, but is attacked by a kunai flying in his direction, which he dodges. Gokū then eventually hears a voice taunting the young boy to find out where the voice is coming from. Suddenly, a shuriken approaches Goku, which he also narrowly avoids. The trajectory of the shuriken causes Gokū to discover where they are coming from and who is throwing them, who is revealed to be Ninja Murasaki.
When discovered, the ninja throws a smoke ball to hide from Goku’s line of sight, but eventually reveals himself after Gokū notices that the ninja is covering himself with an American flag instead of using his cloaking method properly. After failing to hide several times, as even hiding underwater proves ineffective, Murasaki decides to attack Goku head-on, but not before they test each other’s speed. Goku’s speed eventually frustrates the ninja, leading General White, who is watching the battle, to comment on Murasaki’s strength but lack of intelligence.