After Goku refuses to answer Colonel Silver’s questions about the young boy’s dragon radar, the colonel, refusing to be ignored, rips Goku’s bag open, only for the boy to quickly take it back. Subsequently, Silver attempts to attack Goku, but is knocked out by two kicks from the boy. Goku, realizing he can’t be as mobile as before because his Kintoun was destroyed, discovers a capsule robot, who then instructs the boy to summon a capsule plane after Goku tells the robot his intentions.
How the robot flies Goku at the destination, the commander of the Red Ribbon Army learns that Silver has lost the Dragon Ball and decides to send the Colonel for execution after learning that Silver lost it to a young boy like Goku. While the Commander’s assistant wonders who Goku is, the Commander instructs his assistant to contact another general to kill Goku and get the Dragon Ball.
Cold Goku then lands after the robot fails due to the ice. While this attracts the attention of the Red Ribbon Army, a young girl pulls Goku out of the snow.