While Gokū is restrained by Gilan’s Guru-Guru Gum, the monster proceeds to punch Gokū, picking him up and throwing him out of the ring. As Gokū is on the verge of ringing in mid-air, he calls his Kintoun to save him, much to Gilan’s confusion. As the monster claims victory, the host announcer reveals that a special exemption has been granted for the Kintouns, but Goku will never use it again if he is on the verge of being eliminated from the ring a second time.
As Gilan , he lunges at the humbled Goku and strikes, the young boy he shocks everyone by regrowing his tail. Gokū then proceeds to free himself from Gilan’s Guruguru Gum, crediting his tail for giving him the extra strength to do so. The young boy then demonstrates his power by delivering a devastating kick to a nearby wall, causing the monster to surrender in fear of Goku’s power. When Gokū achieves victory, Oolong, Bulma, and Pu’ar cringe at the possibility of Gokū transforming again due to the re-emergence of his tail.