When Gyūmaō asks for her master’s residence, Bulma remembers Rōshi living by the coast, much to the Demon Lord’s excitement. Gyūmaō also learns that Gokū is the grandson of his classmate Son Gohan from observing the Nyoibō boy, causing the Demon Lord to befriend Gokū as Yamcha expected him to keep watch out of sight with Puaro. While Bulma and Oolong are amazed by Rōshi and Gokū’s abilities, the Demon Lord asks Gokū to get Bashōsen his master to blow the flames out of his castle in exchange for the Dragon Ball he possesses.
Gyūmaō also requests that Gokū find his daughter Chi -Chi and offers to make Gokū her bride in the future, in addition to exchanging the Dragon Ball for a powerful fan. When the Demon Lord shows a picture of his daughter, Yamcha and Puar are shocked to recognize the girl in the picture as the girl Yamcha knocked out earlier. The bandits leave to find and wake Chi-Chi, fearing that her father will kill them. After Yamcha tricks the now-awakened Chi-Chi into thinking he has affection for her, Gokū arrives and sees the young girl, though not before the bandits run off to hide.
Before Gokū escorts Chi-Chi to to his Kintoun, the young girl pulls his tail to get on, leading a vulnerable Goku to reveal tail pulling as his weakness, which Yamcha and Puar overhear in excitement as they are confident. they can defeat Gokū and get the dragon balls. While Gokū and Chi-Chi are flying through the sky, Gokū is curious to find out Chi-Chi’s gender by patting her between the legs, which leads the girl to push Gokū off the flying cloud, and then fall in love with Gokū shortly after.< br / >After Gyūmaō, Bulma, and Oolong simultaneously ponder Gokū’s actions while the young boy and Chi-Chi fly through the air, Gokū eventually learns of Rōshi’s residence from a talking dolphin, leading Gokū and Chi-Chi to find the master and the Umigame. on their island.