At the top of the ten, Piccolo shot Goku’s arm with Kikōha from his mouth, drastically injuring him. The blow proves to be too much for Goku, he finds himself unable to move again. Goku’s friends rush to help, but Piccolo holds them back with the help of Kikōha, determined not to let anyone interfere with his revenge. However, Gokū is able to get back to his feet as Piccolo lacks vitals and continues his efforts to fight. Blood loss begins to take over and Piccolo slams Goku into the ground, breaking both of his legs. Remembering his mistake three years ago, Piccolo also disabled Goku’s last arm and prepares his final attack.
God urges Tenshinhan to kill him as it will kill Piccolo as well and it is only temporary as Shenron can revive him . Gokū tells Tenshinhan not to listen because he can still win. Piccolo fires a powerful Kikōha towards the fallen Goku.