Former champion Tenshinhan lost to Gokū, with the former confirming that his power was no match. Next round match begins: Ma Junior (Piccolo Junior) vs. Shen (God). Before the latter enters the ring, he speaks with Gokū and explains that Gokū would not be able to find it in his heart to kill Piccolo because it would kill him too. Instead, he, God, has to do it, and that he learned a few things from men. Shen jokes that he will fight alone, so he gets in the ring.
As the match begins, Piccolo tells Shen that his target is Gokū and the former is only an obstacle in his way. Shen knows it’s because Gokū would interfere with Piccolo’s plans, and decides not to give the demon a chance. With a snap of his fingers, Shen unleashes a shockwave that sends Piccolo flying back. Piccolo wants to know who Shen is, so he goes on the attack, but Shen counters and the two seem even.