As Drum falls to the ground dead, Tenshinhan is able to be stunned by Goku’s increased strength. Piccolo, on the other hand, can’t believe that Goku will face him again, but Goku says that he will kill Piccolo this time. Meanwhile, the two plans have gone in different directions: Team Dragon intends to collect the bodies of their friends as well as help Goku and Tenshinhan fight Piccolo.
Piccolo tells Gokū that he is powered from before and Gokū says that he is too . Wishing to end it quickly so he can destroy the western capital, Piccolo tells Goku that the battle will be over in five seconds. After a quick exchange of blows, Gokū not only blocks Piccolo’s blows, but sends him into a building, telling him that his five seconds are up.
Enraged, Piccolo lunges at Goku and fires a ki ki. but the boy dodges. Piccolo Daimaō simply responds by sending another blast at Gokū, but Gokū blocks it and manages to land unharmed, shocking the Great Demon King.