With the royal guard and the pilot shaking in fear, Piccolo Daimaō kicks the shield off the plane and declares that the king of the world is a coward. When asked what he wanted, he said that he was their new king, causing the bodyguard to open fire, which had no effect on Piccolo. Noticing the man’s ignorance, he grabbed his head and threw him out of the plane to his death. When asked again what he wished, the demon king replied that he was the new king and he wanted the king to inform the world. Piccolo refused, anticipating it and began charging his Ki. With a wave of his hand, a bright flash of light and a tumultuous pressure wave shake the plane; shortly after, the king is horrified to see that the city has been obliterated, leaving nothing but a crater. Declaring that he could destroy the world if he wanted to, the anthromorph dog retreats and gives way to a triumphant laugh at the Demon King’s success.
After reaching Karina’s home, Yajirobe collapses to gasp for breath from the journey. to Karina’s amazement, she was able to do it with Gokū on her back. When the young martial artist tries to explain the situation to Karin, he replies that he already knows and that he was able to tell what was happening from above. Despite his surprise, she immediately asks him to be trained, but gets Senza to heal him. Irritated to see what Senzu was, Yajirobe went berserk as he grabbed a giant jar of Senzu and ate a whole handful. Much to Goku’s dismay, he bloats and moans loudly as the boy explains that any ordinary bean can feed a person for ten days.
Goku feels rejuvenated by the bean’s magic and once again asks Karin to train him, much to the youth’s surprise. satisfaction that the student had surpassed him in strength. He said that Piccolo was unmatched in strength and that no one could defeat him, even adding that Rōshi was killed by him. Karin was about to fly away in a rage when she heard the news and narrowly stopped him from leaving, saying that if he didn’t mind dying, she could help him test the mysterious item called Chōshinsui.