With his youth restored, Piccolo, Piano and the Pilaf Gang celebrate his triumph. Shenron prepares to leave, but Piccolo, in a shocking move, kills the wish-granting dragon with an energy blast from its mouth. With the ensuing explosion, the dragon remains fade and Piccolo rejoices in his victory as the dragon balls are reduced to mere stones. Tenshinhan, who was watching, finally passes out.
Gokū notices the sky brightening and sees the Dragon Ball disappear from the radar; he realizes that Piccolo must have called Shenron. As they get out of the car, Goku sees Upa and his father Boru, both of whom are happy to see Goku again, though worried about his injured state.
Piccolo, completely satisfied with his youth, plans to head towards the King’s Castle, safely back aboard the airship. Pilaf congratulates Piccolo on his victory before reminding him of his promise to give the goblin a portion of the Earth to rule. Instead of honoring the deal, Piccolo kicks the entire Pilaf Gang off his ship.
At Karin’s Tower, Gokū fully includes Bora and Upa in the situation. Unable to climb the tower in his current state, Gokū bribes Yajirobe with the promise of a feast—something he calls Senzu. With the promise of food, Yajirobe agrees and lifts Goku onto his back. Bora offers to help them both.