Dragon Ball Manga Vol.32 Chapter 379 : Cell’s Perfect Form, Interrupted?!
Dragon Ball Manga Chapter 379 Colored Summary: Cell wonders about this business with Super Vegeta and Vegeta says […]
Dragon Ball Manga Chapter 379 Colored Summary: Cell wonders about this business with Super Vegeta and Vegeta says […]
Dragon Ball Manga Chapter 378 Colored Summary: Cell grabs his stomach as Vegeta punches him again, knocking him
Dragon Ball Manga Chapter 377 Colored Summary: “What? You’re on your own?! You’re going to smash me to
Dragon Ball Manga Chapter 376 Colored Summary: “Then come out!!!! Come out, #18!!!!” Nothing happens and Cell realizes
Dragon Ball Manga Chapter 375 Colored Summary: Their clothes are tattered and Trunks’ hair has grown longer. Trunks
Dragon Ball Manga Chapter 374 Colored Summary: Tenshinhan continues to launch his Shin Kikōhō down at Cell as
Dragon Ball Manga Chapter 373 Colored Summary: Second cell form: more human shaped and pretty muscular. His legs
Dragon Ball Manga Chapter 372 Colored Summary: Cell flies and #16 retrieves and reattachs the fist. #16 knocks
Dragon Ball Manga Chapter 371 Colored Summary: #18 protests that he will be killed, but #16 just smiles.
Dragon Ball Manga Chapter 370 Colored Summary: Piccolo tries to hit Cell with everything he has, but Cell